Saturday, March 25, 2006

a statement of opinion.

what i am about to write is a statement of opinion, but an opinion based on personal experience, and research amongst the writings of religions, mystics and scientists.
the body of written work lays out a clear process whereby not only do we humans contain knowledge as a natural process of our existance but that we also recieve information from external sources outside the normal five senses of accuity.
the last few posts here have shown the representation of a metaphysical agent of information transmitted to humans.
the staus quo has reacted to this process with everything from denial to homicadal rage. if this process is discussed, discovered or displayed, a person runs the risk of everything from ridicule to death. (and by death i mean a death of the body, soul or career.)
now why is this so?
we have seen people tortured, killed, humiliated, shunned from professional associations, fired from thier jobs and otherwise laughed off the stage, all for reporting a fairly common occurance in human consciousness.
this process has been called everything from possession to transmigration to becoming a walk-in to shizophrenia to delusion to religious extacy to illumination to enlightenment.
i think this happens to more people than would dare speak about it.
at an early age children are told not to fantisize, or believe in invisible friends or memories of past lives or magic or anything but rational thought. (and sitting still and behaving......but that`s another story.) the fact remains that we all have these snippets of memories of unusual experiences that fly in the face of modern rational existance.
i think that we recieve downloaded information from other realms of existance and that our five senses "rationalise" the experience as visitation from angels, flying disks, aliens or demons or the devil himself, depending on your world view.
as to why this is such a verboten process is beyond me but history is full of dead messengers.......
i believe with the internet and forums such as blogs, that we can begin to voice these concepts and share in getting a better perspective on what is happening in our consciousness. i will continue to speak about my experiences and encourage others to share thiers which i`m confident you all have.
then maybe science and religion will have to catch up................and start making sense instead of just censoring and ridiculing.


Dr.Alistair said...

if a person accepts what you say, that`s thier decisison. if they reect what you say that`s also thier decision. the judgement is what causes the problem. the healer has made some claims. make him prove them.............or just walk away. either way, your healing is your decision.

Dr.Alistair said...

to heal is to forgive, to accept and to love unconditionally. we cannot ever predict when we leave this existance. don`t try. what we focus on becomes our reality. the practice of deciding to heal one`s self is one of visualising and of moving energy inside of yourself. if you can see energy as white light moving inside you you can direct that energy to areas that are of concern to you. when you practice this sufficiently then you can feel the change in sensation in those areas of your body that need to heal.
we are a physiological mechanism driven by a mind. we tell our muscles what to do by thinking. we do this in finer and finer ways with our thoughts and emotions.
if i say "lemon" to you and you see the fruit in your mind, yellow and full of juice......your mouth will feel the bitter taste and you will salivate. the rest of our body works precisely the same way. we run,jump and express ourselves by conscious command. we can raise and lower our heart rate and blood pressure and so on. it`s not a skill that requires years of meditation or deep insight. just knowledge. the body of knowledge of consciousness is called enlightenment.
there is abook written by a young person called adam. it`s called dreamhealer 2. it is published by penguin books isbn 0-14-305377-9 adam`s wbsite is
his illustrations and descriptions of the process of manipulating and directing energy are very good.
the power to heal is within all of us.

Dr.Alistair said...

the process of healing is that of felling energy inside of yourself. this sensation is stimulated in a variety of ways. try this; sit quietly for a moment or two in a comfortable chair and breathe in and oout deeply util you feel relaxed. then close your eyes and see warm white light in your mind........let it fill your self and see the energy fill you up as you breathe....
now, open your eyes and while still sitting comfortably relaxed, open your hands and raise them in front of you so that your fingertips are almost touching. after a moment or two of focus you will notice a subtle sensation between the tips of your fingers. people report different sensations, from a coolness to a pressure. whatever you experience is valid for you.
this is the begining of the physical recognition of the subtle energies within our bodies that are the engine of opur bodies ability to heal and thrive.
over time as you practice this awareness you will become more in tune with and able to amplify and direct this energy for your needs. this is the basis of yoga, tai chi, magic, etc. the is nothing mysterious about it. it`s just very subtle and with all the noise and distraction and fear in the world it gets drowned out.

Dr.Alistair said...

once you recognise the tingling then you can make the tingling happen anywhere on or in your body. this will stimulate very powerful mechanisms within the body to heal, rejuvinate and strengthen the body and the soul. it is the thing that the mystics, yogis and shamans have always known.
the body built the body in the first place. it is constantly in the process of making it new again. we just have to direct it and have faith that it will continue on.

Dr.Alistair said...

yes i did. intact and perfect. the little elephant god is supervising my work as i type. the music has filled the air as i paint. thank you.

Dr.Alistair said...

yes, smiling is good. a double i see.....:-)

Dr.Alistair said...

ganesh has found a good home here and is looking after things nicely. the chanting is wonderful. matthew, my oldest boy wanted to hear it again last night while he did his homework........very nice.