Sunday, March 12, 2006


recently i have been posting about semantics, or the meaning of words and how they create our reality. the reason why i have been doing this is because we live in a semantic reality. whatever our consciousness exists in is immaterial compared to the power of words that shape our reality. all of the practices of buddhism, yoga, shinto, etc are useless unless we are consciously aware of our words.
most people are unconscious of what goes on below thier nose. the noises that eminate from the hole that lies there are merely to give orders.
they don`t realise that the noises they make hit the ears of those around them.....and thier own ears too.
the noises we make are the song of our life.
our world.
our universe.
the noises we make go inside and paint pictures in our minds.
those pictures make us have feelings.
those feelings are the ground state of our world.
what you feel becomes your reality.
100% of the time.
so it goes to what drives the feelings.
when we begin to see some of the science behind words, we can then learn to master them and change our reality as a result.
don`t apologise. never apologise.
just dig in and learn to witness what comes out of the hole below your nose and learn to choose the words that will make your universe the way you want it to be.


Anonymous said...

"don`t apologise.never apologise."

Could you expand ?

Dr.Alistair said...

i suppose i was being ironic. what happens when we begin to take on personal power through the language we use, there are repercussions regarding how others react. the status quo gets ruffled by changes to thier peaceful slumber. they can hold you responsible for the disturbance. they may want to try to hold you responsible and expect an apology.
empowering yourself, in whatever way you choose, is a disturbance amongst the sleeping.
to apologise is to go back to sleep, just when you are begining to wake up.
there is the story of the crabs in the pot;
if one crab trys to climb out, the others pull him back in.
the sleeping masses will try to pull those begining to wake up back into sleep. they will go to all lengths to do this. to be aware of the potential for this is the first step to becoming safe from thier attempts.

Dr.Alistair said...

the incessant chatter in our heads and the words we speak all contribute to our perception of reality.
if i was to say which process had the most effect on our reality i would say that the internal dialog is the more powerful mechanism for personal creativity. the voice is generally directed at others while the "chatter" is aimed at the self.
the "chatter" can be told to shut the fuck up! it will and in the silence that you`ve created you can begin to create a universe that you can enjoy.
the language we use creates our reality and so the more motivating, supportive and loving our language becomes the more our world changes too.
it has to happen.
it is already, we just haven`t looked at things in quite this way before.
we have always been in control. we just went to sleep and forgot.
now we are begining to wake up.
many around us are begining to wake up.
find the others.........
you will recognise them by thier smiles and thier innocence and thier power.

Dr.Alistair said...

your power is in the pain you feel. the pleasure has been where you feel he has been. you don`t want that anymore so look to the pain. what does it make you do? that`s where you wake up and do things differently. the more you do that, the more you find yourself.......every time. no betrayal. no let down. just unconditional love for yourself.

Dr.Alistair said...

the pain is a signal to change. the pleasure is a familiar association to the relationship. i didn`t mean this in a general sense. just in the context of the dream and it`s memories and loops to other related thinking. the power you have is in looking for alternatives. flexibility. one of the metaphors of yoga as a practice is that it encourages flexibility in the body, which relates to the mind automatically.
flexibility is the key to changing behaviour. the more options we have in a situation the more power we have as a consequence.

Dr.Alistair said...

this blog is a public forum. you have a right to comment here . there is little need to apologise. this is what environments like this are for. to discuss things.if you recieve some relief then that is good, this effort has served it`s purpose. hopefully others reading here will be encouraged also. maybe they have questions too.

Dr.Alistair said...

that`s right. what we tell ourselve`s goes deep down into the cells and over time the cells will manifest what you are saying. the simple fact is they are manifesting what you have already been saying. the work you do now will pay dividends shortly.