Friday, March 31, 2006

consensus reality.

o.k., so everyone agrees that a certain thing is real. i will use the example of comets being ice balls filled with dirt as an example. everyone, from little kids to grandmas, says this is true. does the fact that everyone agrees that a thing is a certain way make it so?
well, that`s how we come to know our reality. by the amount of people who agree the things are the way they are. truths or facts are supported by the volume of people who say comets are dirty snowballs flying through space.
before science, we had religious truth, before religions we had mystical truth. now we have all of those things operating together, along with legal thruth, political truth, journalistic truth, athletic truth , siritual truth, superstitious truth, etc. the list goes on.
which truth do you subscribe to?
the arguements and disagreements that we get caught in tend to be that we aren`t defining which truth we are using and against which truth we are debating. to clarify that position would dissipate a fair majority of arguements toward sharing facts.
it has become clear recently that the work of certain astrophysicists has shown that comets aren`t dirty snowballs at all. they are plasma bodies. condensed pre-planetary matter, and that they are electromagnetic in nature, as is the rest of the universe. this flys in the face of the traditional newtonian gravitational (which we have no definition of.) model which has to make comets snowballs, otherwise the math doesn`t work.
who is right?


Dr.Alistair said...

well, the love that you recieved from this man was different from what your soul needs to grow. the ego responds to this adoration and swells....but there is no growth. in this state there is stagnation and, as we have seen, when it is withdrawn, how painful it can be.
building a foundation within that can choose to give and recieve love from the outside is where we can grow towards.....once we learn to accept ourselves first.
this doesn`t occur over night. the old feelings will rise and fall and with each visit you will gain new perspective on the distinctions between the old and the new you.
that`s what growth is. learning to see the difference.

Dr.Alistair said...

making the phone call did stir up the feelings again. it a powerful mechanism. we see the feelings when t hey hurt. the trick is to do it to make yourself feel good at times you need to. it`s the same mechanism, different images. our thoughts can race off, at times, an seems as if they are seperate from us........this is part of the illusion that we must see beyond. once we see that we are doing it all, then we can begin to make better choices.

Dr.Alistair said...

you are begining to see the distinction........unconditional love for yourself includes the certain knowledge that you remember the pain caused by making a phone call out of desperation, loneliness, or what ever specific discomfort you were feeling.
you knew the moment you heard his voice that it was a mistake, and that all the emotions would come flooding back.......
these responses are stored at neurochemical level. we tend to fire the feelings off by thinking and also by the shapes our bodies make.
by dancing, or jumping up and down and laughing or just running until you can run no more and laughing you can fire off different neural signals that make you feel differently. yoga and tai chi are also powerful physical/spiritual engines for change........or simple wellness.
being in love with yourself.
choosing constructive ways of living.
your body knows the difference, et it teach you.
this morning it is the first time we get together to play soccer outside after the winter. it is a celebration. our spirits will open up in joy towards the sun. we will run and laugh and chase the ball and old friendships will be reunited. i`m going to take a camera.

Dr.Alistair said...

other than the fact that i forgot to take my camera it was wonderful. the sun was shining and everyone was smiling. ahhhhh, springtime and space to run. :-)

Dr.Alistair said...

what we focus on becomes real. what we look at last is what we hit, 100% of the time. that is what out life is made of. choose joyful things to look at.