Tuesday, July 04, 2006

independance day.

independance day. that`s what i`ve always liked about the americans. freedom.......the value of being unbound by restrictions and tyrany and oppression.
here`s a thought. what do you want to be free from in this next year? what binds and restricts you so that you chafe and blister and become sore?
what if you could just walk away?
would you?
you need to now more than ever on this day of celebrating independance.
god bless america and all that is free wherever in the world you may be reading this right now.


Dr.Alistair said...

i will assume for the purposes of this post that by acknowledgement that you mean acceptance by others.
to become less dependant on acceptance from others one needs to look to one`s self for that acceptance. once you do that, unconditionally, then what others say or do merely becomes conversation for you to accept or reject.

Dr.Alistair said...

it is perfectly normal to have feelings of needing hugs, kisses, etc. this is the reason why there are so many of us on the planet. the natural desire for being together and all that comes with that.
allow it to happen and you will find a new peace, one of companionship with someone who shares values and goals and cares about themselves enough to not play games.
some unattached time spent with people you like.........the rest will happen automatically.