Friday, July 07, 2006


i cannot write today. too physically tired. i find that when i`m drained that my mental focus is shot also.
so here you witness the writer in his inability to write.................still struggling to write something down, to try to sort things out and find meaning. i have tried to depersonalise myself by seeing me sitting at the computer from across the room and still the heaviness persists. i`m too tired even to make a cup of coffee. i know that all that will do is jangle my nerves and make the thinking process even more difficult.
the question is formulated; just give up?
no. typing is soothing to the intellect.
thoughts, though like syrup in consistancy, are at least coming. i am still alive and thinking.
last night i sat and watched the symphony of fire.
the symphony of fire is a fireworks display held in toronto each summer, with teams from around the world putting on enourmous displays of pyrotechnics all set to music.
even though we were 3/4 of a mile a way the show was spectacular. we figured that there must have been $100,000. or more of explosions in half an hour`s show.
another celebration of abundance in the world.

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