Monday, February 05, 2007

before i forget.

three beautiful things.

my fucking life.........i`m alive!

knowing that eventually it will warm up.

knowing that there are more moments of joy and wonder to come.


Miss Awesome said...

I'm going to believe you that it'll warm up soon. Because I want to believe that. So you must be right.

Unknown said...

You know I feel like I have yet to hit my prime and the best is yet to come. So I stick around. Besides there are some beautiful Canadian women out there for me to meet.

Dr.Alistair said...

there are some beautiful women here.

Unknown said...

Oh I know. My man B Jonathan Michaels is an erotic photographer up in Western Canada who reads my blog and has a blog of his own. He made me a bigger believer.

I've been to Toronto and Montreal and loved it. Especially Montreal.

Much less uptight than what I deal with here BTW.

BBC said...

I don't suppose you saw my older blog post of a 35 speed three wheel bike I made a few years back.