Monday, February 19, 2007


i can think of a few other things that would be theraputic using that technology. and no need for e-mail or phone calls either.



none said...

Amazing use of technology. I bet a lot of Vietnam vets could get use out of a similar system.

Dr.Alistair said...


i didn`t mean to trivialise.

BBC said...


Wars are bullshit, and I'm not sure that technology will be effective. Time will tell.

The point is, it shouldn't even be needed.

Have I pointed out that wars are bullshit?

Dr.Alistair said...

war is innate inthe human condition.

we need to get more efficient at it instead of ritualising the process.

there are those who use the disguise of wanting to use due process, the u.n. and legal means to grind a population to pieces.

the war in iraq would have been over years ago otherwise.