Tuesday, February 27, 2007

yeah baby.

what’s that einstein quote? something about how you can’t solve a problem with the same type of thinking that created the problem in the first place.

tell that to the bureaucrats.......

so, who hires the problem solvers then?


Unknown said...

Real problem solvers usually get fired and replaced with bureaucrats. It's a destructive cycle as the problem solvers are ladled as too unruly.

BTW - I think I found myself a nice British girl on my online travels. Will she replace my Russian mail order bride?

KATHBEE said...

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

Man,it sounds so simple....so WHY then do most of us going around doing just THAT???

Thank you dr....you have enlightened me (well, Einstein has anyway =)

Dr.Alistair said...

ricardo, yeah, bureaucrats.......

british girl? they come in all shapes and sizes and attitudes too.

but if you get one that does the mother thing............

Dr.Alistair said...

kb, that quote enlightened me and was particularly valid where my business focus is at the present.

BBC said...

Yup, that is a good quote, I have a lot of his quotations.

In our system the big nuts work their way to the top and then we vote for them.

He, he, he.

And I can't convince anyone that this is a stupid system.

Dr.Alistair said...

why are you trying bill?

there is a saying that the irish use.

it goes something like, "don`t try to teach a pig to sing. you will get tired and the pig will get angry."

BBC said...

I try because I'm driven to try. It's not like it's something I want to be doing.

If the cosmos ever gives you a task you will understand what I mean.